Guild: Chvj Wielki

The guild was founded on 5 Sep 2024, 22:18:56.

New guild. Leader must edit this text :)

Rank Name
The Leader Mishen Lewy Interes (Ignore all msg)
334 Elder Druid
Member Mlody Bonslok
441 Elite Knight
392 Royal Paladin
Invited characters
Na Strzala
Members Online 0 out of 3
Highest Level Mlody Bonslok (441)
Average Level 389
Lowest Level Mishen Lewy Interes (334)
Total Level 1167
Description Started Stats
Chvj Wielki are not participating in any war at the moment.
There are no pending war declarations related to Chvj Wielki.
Description Ended Stats
Chvj Wielki does not have any war history.