IP: | IglaOTS.net |
Experience: | Stages |
Client: | 13.32 |
Type: | Retro Open PvP |
Time | Event |
Whole Day | 2x Skill |
Whole Day | Exaltation Overload |
Look | Name | Level | Vocation | Create date | Price | Status | |
Fajnie Bylo | 730 | Elder Druid | 2025-01-19 21:26:03 | 3360 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Ulik | 595 | Elite Knight | 2025-01-19 20:27:29 | 2240 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Taki Ziomeek | 819 | Royal Paladin | 2025-01-19 20:14:05 | 3360 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Viveq | 1022 | Royal Paladin | 2025-01-19 19:37:00 | 5152 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Stoj Bo | 160 | Sorcerer | 2025-01-19 18:09:37 | 224 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Trinity | 1047 | Master Sorcerer | 2025-01-19 14:35:49 | 5600 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Pekina | 1060 | Elite Knight | 2025-01-19 14:25:47 | 6720 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Etopiryna | 973 | Elite Knight | 2025-01-19 14:14:43 | 5600 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Pomocnik Robin Hooda | 515 | Master Sorcerer | 2025-01-18 19:27:39 | 1120 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Damian Trucker | 1265 | Elder Druid | 2025-01-18 12:20:46 | 8120 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Pozamiatany | 598 | Royal Paladin | 2025-01-17 12:24:27 | 1456 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Ja Togenziara | 677 | Elite Knight | 2025-01-16 19:53:19 | 1484 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Tajniak | 131 | Elite Knight | 2025-01-16 16:37:23 | 112 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Barney Rubble | 1300 | Elite Knight | 2025-01-15 21:02:33 | 8960 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Mikolajkowy | 350 | Royal Paladin | 2025-01-15 15:50:26 | 728 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Gazjell | 431 | Royal Paladin | 2025-01-14 11:59:49 | 1215 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Erythra | 1147 | Master Sorcerer | 2025-01-13 09:57:16 | 6720 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Atomovka | 510 | Elite Knight | 2025-01-12 22:36:53 | 1344 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Tizla | 753 | Royal Paladin | 2025-01-11 15:38:15 | 1904 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Miglanc Stary | 261 | Elder Druid | 2024-12-07 11:52:57 | 504 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Cholernik | 88 | Royal Paladin | 2024-11-16 19:16:38 | 8400 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Kossti | 410 | Royal Paladin | 2024-11-13 00:07:48 | 2072 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Yanek | 260 | Elite Knight | 2024-11-12 13:15:24 | 1120 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Maly Sicarios | 56 | Paladin | 2024-11-11 14:05:35 | 112 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Galan Sevs Ed | 414 | Elder Druid | 2024-10-29 23:00:59 | 1680 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Zialek | 689 | Master Sorcerer | 2024-10-28 19:21:44 | 3920 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Sir Valor | 121 | Paladin | 2024-10-20 10:37:58 | 840 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Miglanc Rozrabiaka | 533 | Royal Paladin | 2024-10-18 08:07:29 | 2800 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Pilates | 138 | Royal Paladin | 2024-10-13 05:08:22 | 224 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Gibzdeka | 405 | Elder Druid | 2024-10-11 16:10:08 | 1344 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Gekon | 360 | Royal Paladin | 2024-10-10 17:42:15 | 672 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Ilumine | 308 | Elite Knight | 2024-10-10 00:26:56 | 1120 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Shadovskye | 404 | Elite Knight | 2024-10-09 22:19:10 | 1680 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Exeta | 360 | Elite Knight | 2024-10-07 11:59:33 | 1680 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Mirol Charlover | 203 | Royal Paladin | 2024-10-06 21:30:34 | 448 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Uszaty Leczyy | 317 | Elder Druid | 2024-10-06 14:54:24 | 672 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Haffel | 292 | Royal Paladin | 2024-10-04 14:49:27 | 560 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Deff | 471 | Elder Druid | 2024-09-28 22:36:10 | 1512 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Evers | 85 | Druid | 2024-09-28 17:14:13 | 1848 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Maku | 329 | Royal Paladin | 2024-09-27 23:38:55 | 1064 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Exitms | 221 | Master Sorcerer | 2024-09-27 20:07:53 | 560 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Ernenish | 272 | Royal Paladin | 2024-09-27 11:08:45 | 1120 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Frezer | 93 | Elder Druid | 2024-09-23 22:33:01 | 112 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Mr Gibon | 316 | Master Sorcerer | 2024-09-22 14:51:30 | 784 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Fanzey | 276 | Elite Knight | 2024-09-21 13:33:15 | 784 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Wuuja | 336 | Master Sorcerer | 2024-09-21 13:28:40 | 1120 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Bigdady | 32 | Sorcerer | 2024-09-19 22:22:03 | 112 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Mary Janka | 30 | Paladin | 2024-09-19 21:50:42 | 112 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Bror Bara Sda | 183 | Master Sorcerer | 2024-09-17 12:41:52 | 336 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Mistyk | 310 | Elder Druid | 2024-09-15 17:23:09 | 1232 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Jerighardo Reix | 358 | Elite Knight | 2024-09-13 16:13:37 | 1456 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Na Chwile | 318 | Elite Knight | 2024-09-12 13:04:44 | 1680 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Grajewiak | 143 | Druid | 2024-09-11 21:19:38 | 672 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Krotu | 207 | Royal Paladin | 2024-09-04 20:16:16 | 1680 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Wgsadss | 51 | Sorcerer | 2024-09-01 23:35:01 | 168 coins | Active | VIEW | |
Dyton | 81 | Druid | 2024-08-31 20:01:08 | 112 coins | Active | VIEW |
Weekend Discount
Dear players!
We are pleased to announce Weekend Discount, which will be in force from 18.01-19.01! during this period all orders will be increased by 30%!
100 Igla Coins ==> 130 Igla Coins
250 Igla Coins ==> 325 Igla Coins
500 Igla Coins ==> 650 Igla Coins
1000 Igla Coins ==> 1300 Igla Coins
2500 Igla Coins ==> 3250 Igla Coins
5000 Igla Coins ==> 6500 Igla Coins
Rules Change 11.01 after server save
Dear players!
We would like to inform you, about changes in the rules of discord and ingame. Starting from 11.01 after the server save. Please familiarize yourself with the changes as soon as possible to avoid troublesome situations.
 iscord Server:
- A ban on TC and gold trading is introduced
- Introduced ban on real money trading (this applies to TC, gold and characters).
- Ban on announcing and selling gold and TC (especially on public channels like help, world chat, adversiting).
- Changing the penalty for using cavebot, if caught instead of 14 days of punishment the character is immediately permamently blocked. Remember that in case of getting caught, we ban all your accounts, even those on which the characters did not use cavebot.
Please respect the upcoming changes, otherwise there will be consequences for players who violate the rules. Please note that the only safe source to buy tc is our website.
Christmas Discount
Dear players!
We are pleased to announce Christmas Discount, which will be in force from 23.11-27.12! during this period all orders will be increased by 30%!
100 Igla Coins ==> 130 Igla Coins
250 Igla Coins ==> 325 Igla Coins
500 Igla Coins ==> 650 Igla Coins
1000 Igla Coins ==> 1300 Igla Coins
2500 Igla Coins ==> 3250 Igla Coins
5000 Igla Coins ==> 6500 Igla Coins
Game update
Dear Players,
With the latest release, we have introduced:
- [Feature] Increased Soul Catcher summon chance.
- [Feature] decrease fuse/transfer cost by 75% with interim tokens.
- [Feature] Interface improvements in the Boss Teleport Cube.
- [Feature] Increased Brokul exp.
- [Feature] Increased Cults of Tibia bosses exp.
- [Feature] Improved message in the Server Log when player dies without bless.
- [Fix] Fill up HP and MP to max including wheel/gem bonus on lvlup or death.
- [Fix] Unable to wrap/unwrap when subowner buys own house.
- [Fix] Frozen horror fight
- [Fix] Mazzinor transform fight
Best Regards,
IglaOTS Team
Szlachetna Paczka
Dear Players!
Z racji ze udalo sie nam dokonczyc projekt szlachetnej paczki, czas na wczesniej zapowiadane podsumowanie! Przypominajac, 100% kwoty z zakupionych przez was coinow w dniach 7-9 grudnia poprzez nasza strone, zostala przeznaczona na wsparcie wybranej przez nas rodziny ktora mozecie znalezc w poscie wyzej.
Przechodzac do sedna, ponizej najwazniejsze dane oraz zakupy:
Suma zebranych pieniedzy poprzez wasze zakupy w dniach 7-9 grudnia: 2805 PLN
Calkowita kwota paczki: 5700 PLN~
Lista zakupionych rzeczy wraz z przyblizonymi cenami (w minimalnym zaokragleniu):
600zl - Lozko pietrowe
350zl - Lozko pojedyncze
500zl - Materace
350zl - Posciele, poduszki, koldry
120zl - Koce
90zl - Reczniki
80zl - Mop obrotowy
90zl - Czajnik
120zl - Zestaw patelni
210zl - Zestaw garnkow
330zl - Mikrofalowka
50zl - Zestaw kubków
130zl - Wyprawki szkolne
100zl - Srodki czystosci
550zl - Jedzenie
1500zl - Bon na zakup ubran i butów
500zl - Dodatkowe prezenty
Dla calkowitej przejrzystosci, roznice w kwocie pokrylismy jako administracja przy malej pomocy znajomych. Z tego miejsca chcielibysmy wam podziekowac za wplaty oraz zachecic do dolaczenia w akcjach tego rodzaju w przyszlosci.
Christmas Event
Dear players!
Due to the approaching Christmas time, the Guild Loza szydercow together with the IGLAOTS ADMINISTRATION would like to announce that between 20:00 and 20:30 (CET TIME ZONE) a server event will be held.
A new custom island will be opened, where you will be able to get your hands on gifts donated by the Guild.
Visit https://www.twitch.tv/slowek to stay up to date.
Best Regards,
IglaOTS Team
Copyright © 2024 IglaOTS.